一、 香港冠軍2018年1125日澳門秋拍錢幣專場簡介:1982年馬可·波羅金幣樣幣,青銅合金,精製,面值100元,重量6.1克,直徑23毫米。正面嘉峪關城樓景觀,門朝右,背面馬可波羅頭像,下部大海無清邊處理。NGC評級NGC 68,極其稀有。馬可·波羅10克金幣的設計從1982年開始,1983年正式發行,至少有過四個版本的樣幣。以下包含正式發行前的三版樣幣。第一版為1982年“廠志”10克金樣幣,有群山遠景。背面下方無海浪設計,面值100元的底面為鏡面。第二版即1982年馬可·波羅金幣樣幣,較之第一版,正面去掉了“廠志”版的遠景山脈,背面圖案大海設計佈局放大。第三版1983年樣幣與第二版類似,但是正面圖案嘉峪關城牆邊部做了清邊處理。1983年正式發行幣為金質,正面嘉峪關圖案佈局與上述三版樣幣不同,城門朝左。特別值得一提的是,我國于1983年發行的馬可·波羅紀念銀幣獲得1985年“世界硬幣大獎”最有歷史意義紀念幣獎項。馬可·波羅是威尼斯共和國商人、旅行家及探險家。曾隨父親和叔叔通過絲綢之路到過中國,擔任元朝官員。回到威尼斯後,馬可·波羅在一次威尼斯和熱那亞之間的海戰中被俘。他的遊記讓歐洲人得以瞭解中亞和中國,對東西發展有很大的貢獻。
二、 2020 Heritage
Auctions/Hong Kong International Numismatic Fair HKINF 0712日香港国际钱币展销会:1982年「馬可波羅」100元精製黃銅樣幣/獨特未被採用的「馬可波羅」黃銅樣幣。NGC PR68 Ultra Cameo:瀋陽造幣厰。青銅合金樣幣。23毫米。重6.1克。正面嘉峪關城樓插圖。或為中國現代幣中稀有的樣幣之一,獨一無二。1982年著手設計新款100元紀念金幣 ,最初有三款設計,1983年定稿。從《瀋陽造幣厰志》中可見,第一款設計正面遠觀宏偉長城,背面無海浪設計。第二款,亦即此枚設計,以嘉峪關取代長城乘山延綿遠景,關口城墻與幣邊相接,背面則有海浪浮雕,與面值字樣重叠。最後一款設計正面嘉峪關插圖不貼幣邊,日期更正為正式發行年份1983,並放大面值。次幣設計仍與最終發行版本有別:最終版本嘉峪關角度調整,上方「中華人民共和國」字樣較大 ,日期亦由左下角移到右邊中間城墻之上。
$100,000 - $150,000.《60000美元成交》
1982年「馬可孛羅」100元精製黃銅樣幣NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo / China: People's Republic brass Proof Pattern "Marco Polo" 100
Yuan 1982 PR68 Ultra Cameo NGC Description:Potentially
Unique Unadopted Brass Marco Polo Pattern.People's Republic brass Proof Pattern
"Marco Polo" 100 Yuan 1982 PR68 Ultra Cameo NGC, Shenyang mint,
KM-Unl. (cf. KM-Pn2 for 1983 gilt-bronze pattern), Cheng-Unl., CC-Unl.,
Zhengwen, "A Study of Marco Polo Gold and Silver Sample Coins", pg.
117 (this coin illustrated). 23mm. 6.1gm. Illustrating the Jiayu Pass in the
Great Wall. Perhaps one of the rarest pattern issues of the early modern
Chinese series and very likely unique. In 1982, work began on designing a new
commemorative for the 100 Yuan coin, with three different patterns produced
prior to the final adopted design in 1983. The first of these patterns,
illustrated in the Illustrated Catalog of Shenyang Mint, featured an extended
view of the Great Wall in the background of the obverse, while the wave design
did not extend below an exergal line above the denomination on the reverse. The
subsequent pattern, seen here, removed the design of the Great Wall on
mountains from the obverse, with the wall surrounding the Jiayu Pass extending
into the outer border, and extended the waves over the denomination on the
reverse. On the final pattern series, the wall surrounding the Jiayu Pass no
longer extended into the outer border, the date was appropriately changed to
1983, and size of the denomination was enlarged. This still differed from the
adopted design, which shifted the angle of the pass, enlarged the text above
it, and shifted the date from below to above the scene. Serving as the illustration
piece for the second pattern type described in Zhang Zhengwen's article on the
coinage, the present offering may well be the only such pattern in private
hands, and certainly represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the
potential bidder to add this specimen to their collection before it disappears
from the market for many years to come. NOTE: This lot was manufactured in
China and was sourced from outside the United States for this auction after
September 1, 2019. Under the new US tariffs on Chinese goods, collector's items
from China will be subject to a 7.5% import tariff.Any clients who wish to take
delivery of this item in the United States should be aware of this added
charge, and consult their tax adviser with any questions. LOT
#30206 Sold for:Sign-inor Join (free & quick) Make Offer:Make Offer to
Owner Owner's willingness to entertain and respond to offers has not yet been
三、 中國錢幣報刊載張正文編撰“馬可波羅金銀幣”樣幣的實證考略《中國拍賣會前,通常藉助與拍賣公司有關之資深錢幣收藏家撰文加持珍稀幣,期能提高競拍者興趣及成交價;中國金幣總公司(造幣廠)對與民間出現之異常版金銀幣或實鑄量是否屬實?亦從不加以澄清,作風官僚與不負責任兼而有之!中國1900年代前後發行專銷海外之金銀幣,鑄造過程及檔案原始資料不嚴謹,此舉留給錢幣收藏界無限想像空間,並提供製作偽幣者可趁之機!》請參閱https://blog.xuite.net/coins888/twblog/200703193
四、 1983年1克馬可波羅金幣銅樣、2克馬可波羅銀幣鋁樣1對於2012年9月15日第九屆上海東方國拍錢幣拍賣會以260萬人民幣落槌成交